Internal Quality Assurance Policy & Strategy

Policy Statement

Excel Learn Ltd has a firm approach towards quality assurance. Our aim is to continuously check, review and revise our processes and to ensure that we always provide the highest standards in delivery and assessment. Excel Learn is an approved awarding body and are committed to working according to their processes and quality assurance frameworks.



Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) forms one part of the Company’s Quality Assurance Process and focuses on our responsibilities as a centre to ensure:

  • An appropriate design of a programme to meet all qualification or unit specifications and rules of combination, as well as meeting the criteria of the framework or standard
    • Effective delivery that meets learner expectations and agreed learner journey
    • The accuracy and consistency of assessment decisions between assessors
    • Assessors are consistent in their interpretation of qualification or national occupational standards
    • Maintenance of documentation audit trail to enable certification and distribution to learners
    • Monitoring, review and evaluation for continuous improvement


Assessors and Internal Quality Assurers

Assessors are selected for their relevant occupational competence. They must hold the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA) or A1 or D32/33 or be working towards CAVA. They must be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the role of assessor. Where a new assessor is recruited, they are provided with a clear action plan for achieving the level 3 units. The assessor will be sampled accordingly in line with the sampling strategy. During this time, they are coached and supported by the Internal Quality Assurer (IQA). The IQA will give sufficient support and have relevant technical/occupational familiarity for the area of verification and be fully conversant with the units. The IQA will hold the Training, Assessment, Quality, Assurance (TAQA) or V1 or D34.


Standardisation Meetings

It is the responsibility of the Lead IQA to hold standardisation meetings. These will be organised periodically. Items for discussion will include (but not limited to) the following:
• IQA strategy
• IQA tracking
• IQA actions
• Standardisation / best practice
• Actions from EQA visits
• Feedback from inspections or self-assessment reports
• Changes in procedures, paperwork, funding partner processes
• Development sessions

Key actions will be recorded, resolved and retained for future review, as required. Actions will also inform the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP).


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