Business Privacy Policy- GDPR
Any customer or visitor of Excel Learn Ltd website i.e., accepts completely,by using the site, the terms and conditions for its use that are setout here. These terms include the legal jurisdiction within whichany legal issues arising from the operation of the site may beaddressed. Any person who does not wish to accept these termsand conditions or who knows, or ought to know, of any reasonwhy these terms and conditions might not be capable ofapplying to their purposes, is not authorised to use this site.These terms apply to every visit that a user may maketo
Purposes and Disclosures
Upon the preferences indicated by you, we would use yourpersonal data to contact you about your development. We maydisclose your information to third parties who may take oversome or all of the Excel Learn business in the future. If you enrol withExcel Learn Ltdwe will disclose your personal data to the approvedservice provider that will be delivering and supporting, you.Following registration and enrolment with Excel Learn Ltd, all of our approved service providers will have accessto your name, date of birth, address, telephone number, emailaddress and reference number of Excel Learn Ltd.
Your choices
You will always have the right to view the personal information we hold for you. You can requestan overview of your personal data by emailing us on Please write ‘Request personalinformation’ in the subject line of your email to avoid delays. You can also contact us if you believe that thepersonal information, we have for you is incorrect.If you believethat we are no longer entitled to use your personal data, or if youhave any other questions about how your personal informationis used or about this Privacy Statement then please email us at or write to us at Excel Learn, 2 Harbinger Road, E14 3AA. We would action your request as per theGDPR requirement.
Important Information
You can find the details for the UK Information Commissionerat We are registered with ICO UK and your personal data is protected by UK dataprotection law.
Retention of Data and Records
Excel Learn Ltd only retains data, both physical and electronic, for aslong as required. This is determined by using Excel Learn’sDocument Retention policy. All data held where the retentionperiod has expired will;
- Data (soft format) – be deleted, including backups, andwhere necessary hard drives shredded by a certified methodin the presence of Excel Learn’s Data Security Manager
- Data (Hard copies) – be shredded by a certified company inthe presence of Excel Learn’sData Security Manager
Commitment to Maintain Privacy
Authorised users and individuals who have access to Excel Learn Ltdrecords, files or confidential information are required tomaintain confidentiality. This statement relates to all staff,volunteers, and individuals. It may, where necessary, alsoinclude those individuals who Excel Learn Ltd may work in partnershipwith, where sharing information is imperative to the needs of theindividual. To acknowledge the requirements of the policy allindividuals noted above will be expected to sign aconfidentiality statement. All individuals noted above will beexpected to abide by the requirements of this policy. Copies ofthe policy will be made available to any external agency that requests it. Staff and volunteers should note the confidentialnature of contact details of our funders, partners, participants, and employers. Use of these details outside of workundertaken for Excel LearnLtd would be considered a serious breachof confidentiality. Such a breach may result in disciplinaryaction, which could include termination of employment and / orlegal action. Staff andvolunteers who have ceased working with Excel Learn should note that they also have a contractual obligationto abide by this statement. Non-compliance will result in legalaction from Excel Learn Ltd.
Access to Data and Records
The staff authorised by the management of Excel Learn Ltd have accessto participant’s records. Such records will be kept secure inlocked cabinets at Excel Learn offices. Keys must be deposited andmaintained in the designated place to prevent accidentalbreaches of confidentiality. Information on computers will beaccessed via the appropriate staff member’s password. Wherethe Senior Management require access to participant records aformal request should be made. We will advise the participantthat we are maintaining confidential records concerning themand advise them of our confidentiality policy and their right toaccess their file if they so request it (Subject Access Request).Access to files by participants should be provided on anappointment basis and viewings will be accompanied by an Excel Learn member of staff. No file may be taken out of Excel Learn buildings, unless they are required for use at an offsite meetingwith a participant, in which case, files would be tracked using‘File Tracker’ records. All letters must be typed, the wordprocessor / operator who produces these documents will abideby the confidentiality policy and procedures. General typing orreports should refer to the individual by reference number. Allsuperfluous information should be shredded. All relevantaspects of the Data Protection Act and GDPR must be adheredto. Where highly confidential information is obtained thisshould be maintained in an envelope marked ‘confidential’within an individual’s file. Within computer records this shouldbe accessible by password only, whereby the password is knownonly to authorised staff. Details displayed within the Excel Learn office should relate to an individual by reference number only.Information from participant files may be used as case studyexamples for the purposes of a) Providing examples duringtraining to internal staff and external organisations b) Providingcase study examples for accredited training evidence portfolios.The information that comes under the above circumstances shouldbe anonymised using first names or initials only. Prior to use,the personal contactinformation must be deleted from suchinformation.
FinancialInformation andRecords
Finance and other allied records are only accessible toauthorised staff and Senior Management. It is advisable thatcomputer records are accessible by password and that all ‘hardcopy’ information is maintained in a locked cupboard or drawer.All finance records which relate to personal staff information e.g., wages, payments etc. are considered highly confidential andshould be maintained by either the Finance Manager or CEO. Where other staff accidentally access this information, they arerequired to abide by this policy. Serious breach ofconfidentiality to be considered for disclosure of personalfinancial information.All finance records are maintained at Excel Learn’s Head officewith back up produced in relation to computerised information.These would be maintained appropriately. Photocopying ortyping of finance records should be produced by authorised staffonly. All superfluous information or information that hasexpired should be archived or shredded to maintainconfidentiality. All relevant aspects of the General DataProtection Regulation should be complied with accordingly.
Human ResourceInformation and Records
Personnel data and records of all types and nature must bemaintained within a locked drawer,where access is controlledby either the Line Manager, Assistant to CEO or CEO.Likewise, computerised records should only be accessible via apassword. Disclosure statements from the Disclosure BarringService will be maintained separately from an individual’spersonal records, within Excel Learn’s fireproof, lockable unit.Such records will be destroyed in line with the regulations. Nocopies of such information will be made for retention at othersites. Staff will be able to access and review their personal filetwice per annum following a request to their line manager andviewings will be accompanied by an Excel Learn manager. Where astaff member requests to view their personal file in addition tothis, the file should be accessed via their line manager. Where aSenior Manager requires access to a particular staff member’sfile a request should be made to the CEO stating the purpose.Authorisation will be provided in conjunction with clarificationfrom Excel Learn’s Data Security Manager. Where a representativeof the staff member requests the access to the individual’s file, written authorisation must be provided by the staff memberconcerned.Photocopying or typing of personnel records shouldbe produced by authorised staff only.Completion of personalforms should be produced by authorised staff only. Allsuperfluous or expired information should either be archived orshredded to maintain confidentiality. All relevant aspects of theGeneral Data Protection Regulations must be adhered to. Excel Learn is not at liberty to divulge telephone numbers oraddresses of personnel to a third parties but will pass on numbersor addresses of the third parties to the concerned quarters andinstitutions.
Telephonic Communications
On telephonic communications, no information concerning an Excel Learn participant may be discussed over the telephone unlessthat person is known to you and is a person who is recognisedwith having a genuine need to know. Log of such calls to bemaintained.
Exceptions to Confidentiality
The following should be authorised by a member of SeniorManagement of Excel Learn Ltde.g. CEO, Quality and ComplianceManager or Data Security Manager;
- Risk to the participant’s own life, e.g. mental health crisis.
- Serious danger to other people e.g. child abuse
- Legal requirements to provide or exchange information e.g.juvenile court
- Where it is anticipated that a serious criminal offence isbeing committed
- Where an Excel Learn participant is missing and s/he isconsidered to be in danger, the local police may becontacted
- When cooperation in planning services for participantsnecessitates the exchange of personal information, e.g.Benefit Agency, Doctor, Employer.
By accessing your computer willautomatically be issued with a cookie. Cookies are devices thatidentify your computer to our server and personalise the site foryour future use. Cookies only record the areas of our site that acomputer has visited. A cookie will not provide us with anypersonal information. If you have not supplied us with anypersonal information, you can still browse our siteanonymously. If you do not want a cookie you can set yourbrowser to deny it automatically or manually.